Terms of Use

      The terms of use of the site govern the interaction between travelers, guides and YUMMTHAI. All legal details are set out in the documents: privacy policy, agreement between the guide and YUMMTHAI (accepted upon registration, and actually begins to work after the publication of the excursion) and agreements for the provision of excursion services between the guide and the traveler (accepted by the guide and the traveler upon making an advance payment for the excursion).


      Placing offers

      Guides submit descriptions of their walks for moderation, and YUMMTHAI (hereinafter referred to as us) reviews them. All proposals are checked, we make sure that the walk can be carried out efficiently, and if everything fits, we publish it on the website. Quality assurance is our highest priority, which is why all proposals are pre-moderated. We do not charge any fees for posting offers on the site. You can also send photographs that you intend to publish as a description of the excursion. The photos you choose must not violate the rights of third parties. YUMMTHAI reviews photos to ensure they are acceptable for publication 

      We act as a guide’s agent and help him find travelers, attract audiences through various channels, and generally do a lot to ensure that a walk, excursion or master class is popular. For this we take a commission from the price assigned by the guide. This money is used to ensure that you have orders and their number constantly increases. We deduct the agent commission from the money that the traveler pays on the website as a partial prepayment for the excursion.


      Excursion booking

      The traveler makes an advance payment for the excursion. After prepayment, the excursion is considered booked, and the guide and traveler receive each other’s contacts - phone number, instant messengers and email. 

      We have a convenient correspondence system when ordering; notifications of new comments are immediately sent to your email, so there is no need to disclose your contacts until an advance payment has been made. 
      The remaining cost is paid by travelers to the guide directly.


      Conducting an excursion

      After booking, you will receive an email with confirmation of your reservation and the guide's contact information. The guide and traveler resolve all issues among themselves and notify each other about any changes. If something changes, you must immediately contact the other party and warn about it. 

      Both the guide and the traveler should be punctual and not be late for the meeting, because this may upset the other party. If you are significantly late, we provide the opportunity to cancel the walk. At the same time, if the guide is late, we can return the prepayment to the traveler upon request. If the traveler is late, the guide may refuse the excursion; in this case, the prepayment will not be refunded. 
      Safety is the guide's top priority during the tour. Take care of each other. The guide is also obliged to conduct excursions in accordance with the description published on the website, or as the guide and traveler have previously agreed. After all, this is exactly what travelers count on. 

      After the end of the excursion, the traveler pays the guide the remaining cost, and the guide signs the excursion ticket - when booking, we make a beautiful memo with contacts and the amount of the remaining payment, so that nothing is forgotten, it is worth printing it out. The ticket can be kept as a keepsake or as proof of payment.


      Cancel Reservation

      If a traveler's trip is disrupted, the order can be cancelled, and we will issue a refund in accordance with our Return Policy

      If the guide has unforeseen circumstances and the excursion needs to be cancelled, you must immediately warn the traveler about this and make sure that the traveler heard you. Also write to us about your cancellation at support@yummthai.com, we will refund your deposit.


      Service provision

      The consumer of the Services is the Traveler. 

      YUMMTHAI provides the YUMMTHAI platform to the Provider, and does not own, create, sell, resell, control, offer, provide, manage the Provider Service, and is not responsible to the Guide and/or other third parties for the accuracy and/or relevance information posted on the platform, is not obliged to represent the interests of the Guide in the event of disagreements between the Guide and the Traveler, and is not responsible for the provision of the service by the Service Provider. 

      YUMMTHAI does not accept payments independently, being an agent for collecting funds made in favor of the Service Provider. 

      Service Providers are solely responsible for publishing and conducting Online Tours. 
      When providing its services, YUMMTHAI is guided by the laws of Thailand.


      About content

      Travelers registered with YUMMTHAI can contribute content to the site by uploading it themselves, emailing it to YUMMTHAI editors, or through correspondence with other site users. 

      Important content requirements: 

      - The information in the downloaded content must be accurate and up-to-date. 

      - Content must not be misleading, libelous, hateful, or illegal or immoral. 

      - The content must not violate the rights of third parties: copyrights, trademarks, patents, trade secrets, moral rights, rights of privacy, rights of publicity or any other intellectual or other property rights. 
      By uploading content to the site, the traveler confirms that it meets the requirements set out above and is disclosed by him personally and of his own free will. 

      The traveler must be the author or legal owner of the content and have rights to use it. 

      By posting content on the site, the traveler waives claims, lawsuits and other actions to assert copyright. 

      The traveler grants YUMMTHAI and its partners an exclusive, royalty-free (no payment required), perpetual and irrevocable right to: 

      - format this content (usually this concerns texts - to correct errors, stylistics, translation into other languages, etc.). In this case, YUMMTHAI is responsible for the modified content and obtains the rights to the revised materials and information. YUMMTHAI does not edit or make changes to photographs posted by travelers; 

      - use this content at your own discretion, including for advertising purposes. 
      The traveler agrees to the publication of the photograph on the excursion page on the website. The photo can be placed in the excursion gallery, in which case we will quote the traveler's review and place a direct link to the review directly under the photo itself. Some YUMMTHAI partners post content from the YUMMTHAI website without modification. In this case, all content published by travelers on the excursion page is automatically loaded. The traveler, by posting a photo, agrees to such use on YUMMTHAI partner sites, in turn, we provide a citation of the traveler's review and an indication of the author of the photo, and, if technically possible, a direct link to the original publication of the review. By posting a photo in a review, the traveler understands and agrees that the photo may also be placed in advertising, including promotional mailings. In this case, we will accompany the photo with the signature of the author of the photo and a direct link to the review. By posting a photograph of himself or herself, the traveler consents to the use of such image by us at our sole discretion, including for advertising purposes. A photo of the traveler can be placed in the excursion gallery with a quote from the review and a direct link to the review. Also, a photo of the traveler can be posted on YUMMTHAI's partner site, as indicated in the previous paragraph. The traveler can withdraw his consent to the use of his image at any time by sending an email to us at support@yummthai.com

      YUMMTHAI may at any time review the information and content materials uploaded by the traveler in order to improve the quality of services on the site and develop new services, to protect the rights and interests of YUMMTHAI.


      Marketing messages

      By registering on the site, travelers and guides can receive messages from YUMMTHAI, including marketing ones. At the same time, you can unsubscribe from marketing messages at any time by clicking the appropriate button in the letter, or by writing to us at support@yummthai.com